Igor Earthchild is offering COACHING to men who are ready to achieve more.


3 reasons for coaching


Personal trainer

You have someone who really listens, understands you and gives you feedback on your strenghts and weaknesses.



You can focus on your self-growth. You can be confident that someone is supporting you and giving you fair feedback.



By joining the coaching program it's much easier for you to keep your promises to yourself. Someone will be reminding them to you and make you fulfill your desired outcome.



A man who is ready for change. Who is not afraid of his shadows. A man who is ready to meet me face to face to find out about his potential for growth.

Cost for a consultation 100€/hr


A man who is working on his self-development. Who is looking for a perfect partner or has already found one and wants to improve. A man who is walking on his path and knows his value. It's a man who is ready to invest 3-6 months into his personal growth with me.

One month price 500€


Man who has reached a contact with his higher self. This man is not afraid any more what other think of him. Because he knows why he has come into this life. In addition he has developed his super powers, that regular people only dream of. All doors are open for this man and he is always welcome. This is a man who has chosen to work on his skills with me for a year.

One year contract for 5000€

One mans story

Ander is describing his experience of working with Igor Earthchild for a year.

Ander's feedback on Coaching

Different methods for successful coaching....

Sometimes we just need someone to listen to us. It helps us to get clarity about our feelings, situation and possible dissatisfaction. Don’t underestimate the power of listening. It’s a powerful and healing experience when someone is by your side with all their attention and doesn’t rush off, interrupt your thoughts or gets lost in a phone. Especially if this person can summarize your information, synthesize it and reflect back to you those blind spots that you would otherwise not be able to pay attention to.

Asking the right questions is very important in a conversation with a coach. As a coach, I don’t know all the answers, but I have important questions that will help you find those answers within yourself. Because all wisdom is already within you. You need someone to wake it up in you with a good sharp question.

As a coach, I can describe to you where certain life choices will lead you. You don’t need to be a psychic or an oracle to do this. Certain patterns of behavior are repetitive, leading to a similar outcome. Having seen many life paths and family patterns from the sidelines, I can often say with certainty what will happen next and how it all might end.

I love working with people who are willing to commit an extended period of time to accomplishing their goals. Unlike those people who look for a quick pill for every problem that will numb the pain, these people are aware of the power of consistency and know how to use it to their advantage. I can be of help in this, but I often notice such a pattern that when everything starts to go really well after the first or second meeting, they immediately think that this coaching is no longer needed and move on with their lives. In doing so, there is a great danger of falling back into our old patterns, for it takes more than a few hours of conversation here and there to re-educate our human nature. A year-long program still works best, during which we make permanent changes in habits that otherwise tend to return. With my help, men have gotten rid of very strong addictions, such as cocaine addiction, alcoholism or porn addiction.

The word coach comes from the coach who set the athlete a goal towards which they moved together. In my practice, this striving towards the goal is not so strict and painful. Rather, a goal gives us direction that helps us stay on target throughout our collaboration. Sometimes a situation may arise where I, as a coach, believe more in achieving this goal than the client. It helps him to go through difficult places and gain more faith in himself. The goal is also a powerful tool in the esoteric world, where with the help of my will I support the client in reaching his goal, no matter how hard it appears.

If in ordinary life we ​​may not notice changes in our lives and constantly strive towards a better future, one important aspect of coaching is noticing changes, fixing achieved goals and celebrating success experiences. This, in turn, helps to reach the desired goal through small steps. Every victory is a step that you should be proud of and recognize yourself. It is also a fun process that turns a seemingly difficult journey into a pleasant walk in a park.

How much recognition do you need in your life? How much do you really get it? How much are you recognized at work, in your family, by your wife? We need much more recognition for our efforts than we actually get. Because I know how hard you work every day. How many responsibilities do you have, how many obligations, how many people depend on you. It is not an easy burden to bear. But believe me, honest and direct recognition will make this burden much lighter so that you can carry on with a smile on your face. That’s why I recognize my clients and practice the habit of self-recognition and self-praise in them. Because it is much easier to live and handle all these responsibilities that way. You will also learn to praise and recognize your partners and subordinates so that they too will be happy to work with you.

My personal life experience has taken me through fire and water. I have had to live in very different conditions, in different countries and in different family models. I had to fend for myself at a very early age and also raise my younger brother. Life immediately tested me and made me tough. Thanks to this life experience, I can see your concern and sympathize with it. I am no stranger to the pain of loss or the hatred of betrayal. I have seen birth and death and everything in between. This makes me an empathetic and compassionate person who doesn’t judge but tries to understand and feel what it was like to go through all this. I believe that the personal experience of each of us is a great asset that we take with us from this life.

We are all in search of something. Even when everything seems to have been achieved and everything necessary and unnecessary is there, there is a feeling inside that something is missing. We search for it all our lives without understanding what it is. But it’s much easier – it’s right under our noses all the time. This is happiness.

More precisely, satisfaction and happiness every day, which helps us enjoy life. And for that, you don’t need to graduate from expensive universities, you don’t need to spend your whole life investing, you don’t need to become an Olympic champion or own expensive real estate. Happiness lies in the little things. We have to learn to notice these little things and be grateful for them in order to get in touch with our happiness.

Satisfaction is easier to describe from the other side, i.e. looking at dissatisfaction. If you are constantly dissatisfied and unsatisfied. If you get up from the dining table in a huff, your stomach is full, but your taste buds are not satisfied. When you have intercourse with your wife, but you no longer enjoy it. When you spend the weekend with your family, but your thoughts are somewhere else. Then your life will no longer give you satisfaction. And to fill this hole, it is not necessary to look for means from outside, but the reason must be found within oneself. Together we will find and heal this void so that you can begin to truly enjoy your life.

One very important guide to happiness is your dreams. I mean your real dreams, not the ones you read on the front covers of magazines. Those dreams that have been with you since you were a child, but you may have forgotten them. These dreams show you who you really are and why you were born here the way you are.

And there is no need to belittle yourself here. It’s not about stroking your ego or hurting others. Your dreams are your birthright and they can come true if you allow them to. But first we need to remind you what you’ve been dreaming about. Here are also some useful tips to help you reach your dream life faster, which I will share with you during our meetings.

None of us are perfect. I also have my own shortcomings, which I am aware of and I am working on myself to heal them. One of these shortcomings in my case is consistency, which I have to remind myself all the time and train myself.

That’s why I like my work as a coach, because it also disciplines me to be more consistent in my demands towards both my clients and myself. I believe that consistency holds great potential for everyone. As Bruce Lee said – “I’m not afraid of a man who throws a thousand punches in a row. I fear a man who takes one shot every day.” Together, we select and implement daily workouts that will help you achieve the desired results, both physically and mentally.

My clients have become my best friends over the years. Because we work closely together and meet every week, common views and shared experiences emerge. I will be with you in all your successes and failures. You can always share with me your most difficult situations or feelings. You have the opportunity to get advice without feeling ashamed or afraid that someone will betray your weakness. Such a trusting relationship is a strong foundation for a long-lasting friendship. I know how difficult it is to find good friends by one’s side in adulthood. Especially those who don’t smile at you out of politeness, but are honest with you and tell you when you’ve done something wrong. That’s why I value our friendship very much, which starts from the very first meeting.

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