Udiana Banda

It’s a powerful practice, where you learn how to gather the energy in your third eye by creating the vacuum in your body and pumping the energy up using your PC muscle while stretching your spine. 


Stretch your hands up above your head, breathe in deeply, and bend your body forward with a full out-breath so that your hands are hanging down. Then bring your hands on your ties and lean on them. Keep the hands straight to relax and bend your spine. Hold your breath with empty lungs for as long as you can. Once you breathe in, come back into a standing position and breathe normally. Stretch your arms high up again while breathing in. Bend your body forward with the out-breath and place your hands again on your ties with empty lungs to stretch your spine. Suck your belly in to create a “vacuum” in your stomach. Keep your belly in, hold your breath as long as you can. Breathe in, come back to a standing position, and relax. Once you are ready, breathe in and bring your hands up above your head. With the out-breath bend forward and bring your hands on your ties to stretch the spine. Hold your breath with empty lungs, suck your stomach in, and bring your attention to your third eye between the eyebrows. Squeeze your PC muscle,  to pump the energy through the vacuum into your third eye. Once you breathe in, relax and come into a standing position but keep your attention on your third eye so that the energy can be concentrated there. 

Do this exercise for five minutes. If you get dizzy, have a sit and breathe deeply for a while and then continue the exercise. 

For more exercises like this one I recommend you to try my online course for men SUPER LOVER