Challenge 4 Couples

What obstacles are you facing in your relationship during these trying times? Have tensions risen between you and your partner? Or has your love life unexpectedly reignited with the passion of a honeymoon? Our current situation has undeniably become an inescapable reality, one that some have yearned for, while others have dreaded. How do you […]
Why men are chasing other women?

Very often I notice the pattern where lovers start to cheat on each other after spending some time together. What happens with men when they start looking for someone else to connect with?Why don’t we stick with one partner? According to my observations and personal experiences, men get bored with the same partner. They don’t […]
The fear of women

As young men raised by our mothers, most of us have had to suffer from mental or physical violence, and this is especially sensitive at the age when we, as boys, were just learning to trust life. Punishments and reproaches from our dearest woman – our own mother have left deep wounds in our inner […]